Alternative Pain Management
Pain is a signal from the brain due to a disturbance somewhere in the body. It is important not to ignore this pain response. When patients ignore the first signal of pain, the body and mind start to adapt and further damage to cells and tissue can progress.
When someone is suffering from pain, it affects them both physically and mentally. It is not uncommon that a patient suffering from pain can also feel depressed. Our job is to alleviate pain so that a patient can feel better mentally and physically.
If the pain is severe, it can be important to take medications to begin the healing process. If not severe or affecting daily activities, we will try to find the cause of the pain and treat both the cause and the symptoms. We may prescribe medication if the patient’s body and mind will get the most benefit from it.
For these treatments we utilize acupuncture, manual therapy (including soft tissue and joint mobilization and manipulation), topical and oral herbs and supplements, electro machines, laser therapy, kinesio taping, and hydrotherapy. Our job is to identify the cause and find the tissue involved and determine the most effective treatment for the patient at the time of visit.
When someone is suffering from pain, it affects them both physically and mentally. It is not uncommon that a patient suffering from pain can also feel depressed. Our job is to alleviate pain so that a patient can feel better mentally and physically.
If the pain is severe, it can be important to take medications to begin the healing process. If not severe or affecting daily activities, we will try to find the cause of the pain and treat both the cause and the symptoms. We may prescribe medication if the patient’s body and mind will get the most benefit from it.
For these treatments we utilize acupuncture, manual therapy (including soft tissue and joint mobilization and manipulation), topical and oral herbs and supplements, electro machines, laser therapy, kinesio taping, and hydrotherapy. Our job is to identify the cause and find the tissue involved and determine the most effective treatment for the patient at the time of visit.